Healthcare market research specialists
Companies need new and better strategies to succeed in today’s challenging healthcare environment.
From registration and reimbursement though to digitally empowered patients and the sales forces that connect our clients with their customers, Pivotal helps companies deal with the challenges of this sector.
We are a specialist healthcare market research agency, dedicated to helping our clients succeed through finding the insights that will power new business strategies.
We go beyond primary research and use existing data sources to help sales and marketing be more efficient and effective. For example benchmarking companies’ CRM data for improved sales force effectiveness, or modelling untreated patients to improve the efficiency of sales force segmentation and targeting.
Pivotal: a specialist healthcare research agency
Beyond clinical benefits
(Beyond the pill)
The Pharmaceutical Industry has traditionally focused on the science behind its medications, and the clinical benefits these bring to patients. Now a more holistic approach is being adopted that looks beyond the clinical benefits to the wider impact on lifestyle and the community. It puts patients at the centre of the business and builds on the insights of George W Merck, who said:
“We try to remember that medicine is for the patient. We try never to forget that medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear. The better we have remembered it, the larger they have been”.
This new approach requires marketers to have a broader concept of who their customers are. Also an understanding of where, in what way and for what reason each type of stakeholder interacts with their product. This is where Pivotal will help by utilising specialised healthcare market research.
The Pivotal logo
Our logo represents a bridge between science and humanity, between the rational and the emotional. The fingerprint represents science, whilst also recognising that each person is unique.
Marketing must understand the individuals that together make up the target market.
But the fingerprint also depicts a head, seat of thinking, emotion, and again, individuality. It is the job of market research (depicted by the ‘o’ in Pivotal focusing like a magnifying glass over the centre of the brain) to understand the emotions and thoughts that help determine behaviour, developing insights that lead to successful business strategies.
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